A pulpotomy is a dental procedure in which the pulp of the tooth in the crown (the crown is the part of the tooth that is visible) is removed and the pulp in the root canal is left intact. It is mainly performed on primary teeth (on children) and is used to treat tooth decay that has extended to the pulp.
Risks and Contraindications
A pulpotomy is a very safe procedure and there are no serious risks associated with it. Pulpotomies should not be performed if the pulp in the root (the radicular pulp) is not vital. That means that the pulp there should not be infected and should still be healthy at the time of the procedure.
Other Considerations
In order to prevent other teeth from getting affected by tooth decay, it’s important that you adopt a great oral care routine for your child. Your should you ask your dentist what he recommends as an oral care routine. You should also make sure to take your child in for regular scheduled dental check-ups.
A stainless steel crown is an upside down bucket that sits over the tooth, and while it is shaped like a normal tooth, it is silver in colour. We like to refer to a stainless steel crown as a robot tooth, pirate tooth, or princess tooth.
Why do we place SSC .
Stainless steel crowns may be recommended for placement if:
there is extensive caries (decay) in a deciduous (baby) molar
a deciduous molar requires endodontic (nerve) treatment
a deciduous molar exhibits signs of moderate-severe enamel hypoplasia (a condition where the enamel of the tooth has not formed properly and is much weaker than a normal tooth
Placement of stainless steel crowns assist with tooth preservation and space maintenance; if a deciduous tooth is lost before the permanent (adult) tooth is ready to erupt into place your child may be more likely to require orthodontic treatment in the future.
How do SSC ?
Placement of stainless steel crowns is a relatively short procedure, although in some cases (eg. if the nerve also requires treatment) the procedure may become a little longer, up to a maximum of 60 minutes.